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​​Project Outputs

Reports on Natural Resource Industries

In the first stage of the project we have studied in detail the dominant trajectory of selected industries in each country. We have identified the economic, social and environmental outcomes associated to this trajectory and provided a first overview of different types of alternatives that could transform it and address those problems.

Agricultural sector in Argentina

The Amazon region and the use of its biodiversity

Copper mining in Chile

Case Studies on Alternatives

Selected alternativespath-breaking, path-repairing and path-creating– were studied in depth to assess whether current dynamics have the potential to significantly influence the transformation of dominant trajectories, or how those dynamics need to be augmented (e.g. through policy interventions) in order to enable the alternatives to play a bigger role in transforming NR industries.

Final Outputs
  • Video documentary

     "Sustainable Development" (2013)


  • Book

  • Policy Brief


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